Fred Matser
Fred Matser (1945) is a leading Dutch philanthropist, humanitarian and philosopher. He headed a successful commercial real estate company. A life-changing experience radically affected his vision on life, death and the human condition. Fred uses insights gained from his intuition, to restore the dynamic balance and harmony in ourselves, between people and in nature. He does this through the work of a large number of foundations he has founded and funded, such as Fred Foundation, Essentia Foundation, Flowfund and ForestPeace Foundation of which he is chairman. The development of consciousness is central to his life.
He is the author of Beyond Us and Rediscover Your Heart.
Beyond Us
“Fred Matser diagnoses our ills with x-ray vision and laser precision.” – Dr. Bernardo Kastrup
This short and vigorous book consists of a penetrating collection of interrelated essays whose defining characteristic is that they pin down, magnify and mirror back to us, with embarrasing clarity and force, our most dysfunctional yet unexamined ways of thinking, living and relating to each other in the early 21st century…

Media Publications
Beyond Me
Beyond Me is an inspiring documentary about the insights of professional volunteer Fred Matser, who is passionately dedicated to helping others and our planet. Fred’s philosophy is expressed in the work of the foundations that he chairs. His message is essential and very much of this time, as we strive to restore balance and harmony within ourselves, between humans and in nature.

Love is letting go of fear.
Where there is fear, there is no love.
Where there is love, there is no fear.
– Gerald G. Jampolsky