Rediscover Your Heart

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    About ‘Rediscover Your Heart’

    The book tells the story of Fred’s life from modest beginnings to unexpected success and participation on the international stage, his experiences of the paranormal, which changed his views of reality, the development of his own philosophy and his visions for a future, more functional, society. The book has a foreword by Mikhail Gorbachev and an afterword by Dr. Deepak Chopra.

    Part 1: Life Story

    In part 1 Fred tells his life story from birth in post- war Netherlands, through family tragedies to being thrust into business leadership from a young age. He also describes the unexpected paranormal and spiritual experiences that changed his world view and his involvement in humanitarian and inspirational initiatives around the world. He also outlines 7 keys that he believes may aid personal and planetary transformation.

    Part 2: Exploring the Infinite – Going beyond your conventional beliefs

    In part 2 he outlines his life philosophy which he hopes may help empower and inspire others towards the creation of a more functional society.

    Part 3: Contributions – Visions for Change

    In part 3 a host of Fred’s inspiring friends and colleagues from around the world have contributed their visions for a better world. The contributors span the fields of business, politics, conservation, aid, healthcare and spirituality and include many individuals who are already well-known on the world stage for their outstanding work The contributors include: Patch Adams, Matthew Fox, Jane Goodall, Jerry Jampolsky, Ervin Laszlo, Ruud Lubbers, Caroline Myss, Herman Wijffels, Ukrainian Orphans, Bosnian refugees, African aid workers, students and schoolchildren.

    Beyond Us in the media

    Beyond Us vodcast – Fred Matser & Peter Goldman

    Fred Matser spreekt iedere week met een bijzondere gast over liefde en bewustzijn. Over hoe we met elkaar omgaan en hoe we de maatschappij liefdevoller/bewuster kunnen maken.

    Published on

    Beyond Us vodcast – Fred Matser & Willemijn Verloop

    Fred Matser spreekt iedere week met een bijzondere gast over liefde en bewustzijn. Over hoe we met elkaar omgaan en hoe we de maatschappij liefdevoller/bewuster kunnen maken.

    Published on

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