
Om de dynamische harmonie in onszelf, tussen mensen en in de natuur te herstellen, heeft Fred Matser een groot aantal stichtingen opgericht en gefund, zoals Fred Foundation, Essentia Foundation, Flowfund en ForestPeace Foundation. Een greep uit de projecten die hij via deze stichtingen of privé heeft gesteund/steunt:

Natuurplaats Binnenbos

Every person, every plant, every tree and every animal is equally important here and deserves a healthy life At Natuurplaats Binnenbos (Binnenbos Nature Reserve) in the Netherlands Mother Nature is given all the space she needs to flourish and develop to her full potential. On 80 hectares of land between the Kromme Rijn and the [...]

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Refugee Company

Supporting refugees towards social and economic independence Calling people to their own strength and showing them what they are capable of instead of what they are not. Refugee Company links the talents of people with a refugee background to opportunities and job possibilities to better our society in an immensely unique way. The best way [...]

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Support initiatives and/or investment funds to invest with positive impact on society. Stichting Flowfund is a foundation founded and funded by Fred Matser primarily with the aim to promote harmony: within people (the invironment), between people, and between people and the environment. Flowfund donates money to only a few selected charitable organizations, currently being Fred [...]

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Generation Investment Management

Transformational change to drive to a net zero, prosperous, equitable, healthy and safe society Since its founding in 2004, Generation has played a pioneering role in the development of sustainable and environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing. We invest globally in a concentrated, high conviction portfolio of public companies. We regard the integration of sustainability [...]

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Helping out where change is needed most Making a difference for thousands of refugees stuck in the crowded camp Moria on Lesvos in Greece. Stichting Bootvluchteling offers emergency aim to boat refugees landing in Greece. They are active in Athens, Kos, Leros and Lesbos. They have set up several collaboration, amongst other with the Greek [...]

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Buzz Women

Driving Prosperity Home We are on a mission to make low-income women the drivers of prosperity – for their own selves, for their families, and for their communities. BUZZ is a mobile academy consisting of a customised, full-equipped mini-bus with two trainers. Making education mobile and localised, it will make it accessible and meaningful for [...]

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Voedselbanken Nederland

Heart for people, eye for food. In the Netherlands, more than one million people live below the poverty line. Voedselbanken Nederland (English: Food Banks Netherlands) help the poorest by temporarily providing them with food packages. In order to provide their customers with sufficient food, they work together with companies, institutions, municipalities and individuals. Together they ensure that [...]

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A fast transition towards a sustainable society The Dutch Urgenda Foundation aims for a fast transition towards a sustainable society, with a focus on the transition towards a circular economy using only renewable energy. It works on solutions for this transition, including for example the introduction and realization of ‘energy neutral’ houses and the acceleration [...]

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Building the Peace Flame House in Tuzla

Bringing light Building a centre in Tuzla (Bosnia) where the citizens and refugees would find opportunities to start processing their trauma’s in safety and peace. It all started when Fred Matser was watching the winter games in Lillehammer (Norway) in 1994 on tv. His thoughts went back to the town where the winter games had taken [...]

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Essentia Foundation

Do we really live in a fundamentally physical universe? Are we essentially material beings? Essentia Foundation is a new force in the cultural dialogue about the nature of reality. We live under a materialist metaphysics: all that supposedly exists is matter, an abstract entity conceptually defined as being outside and independent of consciousness. This metaphysics is often [...]

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Rewilding Europe

Making Europe a wilder place Rewilding breathes life back into our landscapes. It helps us reconnect with the wonders of Europe’s spectacular wild nature. It is our best hope for a future where people and nature not only co-exist, but flourish. Rewilding is about: Nature’s own ways Nature knows best when it comes to survival and self-governance. [...]

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Helping children with leukemia with Mikhail Gorbachev

Creation of a modern center for the treatment of childhood leukemia Mikhail Gorbachev and Fred Matser first met in 1992 during the former Soviet President’s visit to the United States. One of the results of that visit was a major charity project that helped to modernize the Childhood Leukemia Institute in Moscow. October 17, 2019 [...]

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Stichting Milieubewustzijn

Uniek initiatief van Hilversums bedrijf. Deel van winst voor het milieu. Hilversum, 20 mei 1989 Geen woorden, maar daden. Als we wérkelijk wat aan onze milieuproblemen willen doen, dan moet het niet alleen bij plannetjes blijven. Er moet geld op tafel komen! Onder dat motto heeft het Hilversumse bedrijf Johan Matser Projectontwikkelings BV een uniek [...]

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